Whats the Best Spot for an HVAC Mini-Split System? – Spokane Events

when it comes to having cooling air on a hot summer’s day No one would want to sacrifice convenience. There is no way to determine where each device should be located as you transition on mini-split HVAC systems. You can have up to 5 outlets to choose from in your mini-split system. That means that finding the ideal location is crucial for the installation. You should not rush to set up your unit wherever you think they will look the most appealing. Instead, you should consult with AC repair experts for advice on the ideal spot for the installation of your HVAC mini-split. The video below will give readers an idea of some common installation locations.

Many experts would advise that you put your brand new AC unit at least seven feet higher than the ground level in every room. This will allow for better air circulation and easy maintenance. Also, it is recommended that you don’t install your ac directly above where you’ll sleep, due to the chilling effect that could result from the air being so close to your bed.
